Deadlines in Jounalism

1. What is the origins of the word deadline?The origins of deadline was around the time of the civil war time to prisons.
2. What impact will missing a deadline have on you? We would not have any organization in our lives.3. Have you had issues meeting deadlines in other classes? If so, what consequences did you have for missing those deadlines? When you have deadlines and you don't meet them they end up messing up your grade.4. Do you find yourself missing deadlines on a regular basis? If so, what do you think causes you to miss deadlines?Sometimes i miss deadlines and its caused because of lots of work to be done.
2. Which of the suggestions is the toughest for you to complete? Why? Trying to make time out of my day to be able to do my work.
3. Are you a morning or night person?Night person.
3A. What are some of the problems you might run into because you are more productive at certain times of the day?It can cause me not to meet deadlines.
4. How can you create a dedicated study time for yourself? I can try to finish things faster to have time.
5. What are three direct things could you do to eliminate distractions?Go to different places to study. Listen to music. Being relaxed.
1. Are there any correlations to taking control of your homework and time management? The time that i have.
2. What is your ideal study setting and mood? Calm.
3. What are your biggest distractions when it comes to studying? My cat distracts me mostly.
4. What three things could you do to help with those distractions? Go to a different study place.

1. Which of those eight suggestions do you think might help you be more efficient?I feel like organization is really what i need to do.


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